Wednesday 3 July 2013

Why CCTV is important for your business?

CCTV integration is important for all businesses small or large.  Whether you own a small bakery or a retail store, having that assured security is important for the overall success of your business.  Many business leaders and owners can be hesitant on installing such features.  Cost and labour often sway business owners from the idea, however it should be known that it is an investment for the long run.  Why should businesses invest in CCTV systems? Check out these things you need to know about integrating it into your business.
  1. CCTV cameras are great for scaring off would be burglars.  Even the sight of cameras in the region make crooks think twice about breaking in, let alone entering the property.
  2. CCTV surveillance systems are cost effective.  They are easy to maintain and relatively inexpensive.
  3. CCTV cameras can’t be avoided.  With systems utilizing multiple cameras, you can rest assure that all angles of the area are kept taps on.
  4. Why wouldn't you want to keep your business safe? All businesses are vulnerable to theft.  Whether it is a cash register or valuable merchandise, utilizing CCTV systems is excellent for providing 24/7 coverage.
Features of Integrating CCTV Surveillance Devices:

CCTV Camera Interface:
Network cameras on common platform
Integrated CCTV photo-frames
Door Alarm connected to cameras
Software selects camera for Guard-watch

CCTV Multiplexer Integration:
Multiple cameras on common network
Multiplexers integrated with software
Recording on network server
User-friendly review and analysis

Video / Photo-Frame Data Recordings:
System stores photo-files on database
Subsystems integrate photo-frames
Stores data + photo-frame on same file
Easy to review and print all data

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